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Information on Learning, Goals, Advice & Newsfeed
Reference: GUIDE features best practiceUse this reference guide to understand some best practice with guide features
Explainer: Videos for GUIDE featuresExplainer videos for GUIDE features
Tutorial: The CybSafe way to GUIDE
Learning settingsConfigure CybSafe's Learning settings to help you improve engagement
Learning campaignsHow to use our new learning campaign feature
Refresher testsReinforce your peoples learning! What our refresher tests are, how they work, and how to measure their effectiveness
Explainer: Initial assessments and cultural assessmentsBegin your CybSafe journey!
Explainer: CybSafe certificatesDownload our certificate and show the world you are CybSafe
How-to guide: Assigning CybSafe completion certificatesA guide for assigning CybSafe certificates to users
Show the world you are CybSafe!Download your CybSafe Certification in Security Awareness (CCSA) badge.
Share CybSafe with family & friendsKeep those close to you protected online
How to guide: Resetting users learning progress and configuring auto-resetsHow to guide for resetting your users course progress manually, or with our automatic resetting options
How to guide: SAP SuccessFactors LMS integrationA how to guide for setting up our SAP Success Factors LMS integration
How to use reminders with LearningHow to use our built in learning reminders
Migrating to learning v2: what to expectWhat happens when you migrate to learning campaigns.
Methods of Accessing Learning ContentThis article will guide you through different methods users can ingest learning
Reference guide: CybSafe contentAn overview of the content in CybSafe
Reference guide: Module libraryAn outline of the entire CybSafe module offering
Explainer: Featured modulesPrioritise your people's learning!
Reference guide: AnnotationsA reference guide for the annotations feature
How-to guide: Adding annotations & replacing contentA quick step-by-step guide to adding annotations and replacing content with annotations
Module builder bolt-on [T]Create your own learning modules for your organisation!
Change log: 2024 essential module refreshA log of all changes to the essential modules from 5th April 2024
Explainer: SCORM packages for LMS integrations with CybSafeUnderstand how CybSafe modules can be consumed through your pre-existing LMS.