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Send simulated phishing emails to your users, customise them too if you like
Explainer: Videos for PHISH featuresExplainer videos for PHISH features
May 2024 PHISH upgrades
Phishing simulations messages are going to the junk folder of my users (MS365)Phishing simulations messages are going to the junk folder of my users
Explainer: Navigating CybSafe PHISHAll you need to know about CybSafe's simulated phishing feature
Phishing difficulty explainedUnderstand CybSafe's phishing difficulty scale and how it works
Explainer: How PHISH tracks opens & clicksUnderstand how to we track CybSafe phishing emails
How to install the CybSafe Google Workspace app and use Gmail phishing reportingInstall the CybSafe Workspace app and have report phishing data from Gmail come through to CybSafe
Report phishing button integration - MicrosoftUse these instructions to ensure your users can report any CybSafe phishing simulation emails.
Report phishing integration with CybSafeConfigure your email system to send successful reports of simulated phishing emails back to CybSafe
Tutorial: Phishing UAT testingFollow these steps to ensure you have configured everything ready for a Phishing simulation
How-to guide: Change to reporting flow rules following Microsoft change (Q1 2024)A guide to ensure phishing reporting is not impacted after changes to reporting flow rules my Microsoft
Tutorial: The CybSafe way to PHISHOur recommended approach to running your phishing simulations
Reference guide: Triage PHISH emailsUnderstand how to triage phishing emails
Reference guide: Details to allowlist PHISHDetails required to allow list PHISH
How to Guide: PHISH allowlisting for MicrosoftA how to guide for allow listing PHISH for Microsoft
How to guide: PHISH allowlisting for GoogleA how to guide for allow listing PHISH for Google technology stacks
Running phishing simulations
Everything you need to know when creating your phishing simulation campaign
Explainer: PHISH schedulerThis guide explains how the PHISH scheduler works to deliver simulated phishing campaigns.
Reference guide: Phishing campaign creationManage, create and test your phishing campaigns with this article
Explainer: Creating custom phishing templatesYour how-to guide for creating custom phishing templates including use of our AI-powered phishing simulation templates
Creating custom landing and intervention pagesYour how-to guide for creating custom landing pages and intervention pages with PHISH