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Explainer: Navigating CybSafe PHISH
Explainer: Navigating CybSafe PHISH

All you need to know about CybSafe's simulated phishing feature

Ben Robinson avatar
Written by Ben Robinson
Updated over 9 months ago

At CybSafe, we take an intelligent approach to phishing simulations. CybSafe simulated attacks use algorithms to serve automated, but personalised phishing to understand strengths/weaknesses for every person in an organisation

Core concepts of PHISH

Template: content for emails, landing and intervention pages that is dynamically populated with user specific data and tracking when the simulation is sent.

Simulation: the combination of email and landing page used to simulate a phishing attack and educate users when they perform high risk behaviours.

Phishing email: the simulated phishing content sent to the user’s inbox with a link through to the assigned landing page.

Landing page: the web page that tests for high risk behaviour, like submitting account detail

Intervention page: the web page explaining that the user has fallen for a simulated phishing attack and how to improve next time.

Template library: collection of templates available.

Customisation: modifying an existing template or creating your own from scratch.

Fire & forget: a template setting that adds or removes templates from a large pool that the scheduler can randomly select from.

What can you do with CybSafe PHISH?

Where to start?

Logging into the platform and heading to phish you'll find the page below. This is the campaign overview page where you can see all of your active campaigns.

Key points

Template library

In this tab, you can view the entire library of phishing simulation email templates.

Landing page library

On this tab, you will see all of the available phishing landing page (the page a user will see if they click on a phishing link). From this tab you can filter/ search for a specific landing page, preview their contents or begin creating your own.

Intervention library

The intervention library displays all available intervention pages (the page a user will see after they submit data to a phishing email). Like the landing page tab, you can filter or search for a specific intervention page, preview and create your own.

Setting up a phishing campaign explainer video

Additional resources

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