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Explainer: Security heroes leaderboard
Explainer: Security heroes leaderboard

Identify security advocates and champions in your organisation based on their interactions with CybSafe

Ben Robinson avatar
Written by Ben Robinson
Updated over 8 months ago

One of the best ways of improving your organisation's security culture is to identify who could be a Security champion. These champions can advocate for increased cyber awareness and to be a point of contact for colleagues to come to with questions.

The challenge is of course identifying who these people are.

CybSafe has made it easy for you to find out who is engaging with cyber security in your organisation with our Security Heroes leaderboard.

What is the Security heroes leaderboard and where can I find it?

You can access the Security Heroes leaderboard from Reports > Engagement > Security heroes.

Here you'll see all uploaded users on your CybSafe account and their security hero score.

At a glance, you can see who has been engaging most with cyber culture in your organisation.

Your people can also check their own score on their homepage. It will show them the top three Security heroes in the organisation, their position and the immediate people above and below them.

What if I do not want the leaderboard on my account?

We understand some administrators may not want the leaderboard to be viewable. It's simple to turn this off. Head to Platform settings in the left hand menu and disable the leaderboard.

Set your validity period for your security heroes leaderboard.

You can set the time period for score calculation by heading to Platform settings. You can choose between:



All time

Every point ever earned by a user will count towards their position on the leaderboard

Weekly score

Only points earned in the past 7 days will count towards a user's position on the leaderboard

Monthly score

Only points earned in the past 30 days will count towards a user's position on the leaderboard

Quarterly score

Only points earned in the past 90 days will count towards a user's position on the leaderboard

Annual score

Only points earned in the past 365 days will count towards a user's position on the leaderboard

You may wish to select 'Monthly' to crown a security champion of the month. Don't forget you'll need to review the results before the period ends!

NB: Points are always awarded and backdated, so if you weren't using heroes before, you'll still have a leaderboard when you turn it on.

How are these scores calculated and how can I boost them?

The Security hero scores are calculated by interactions with the CybSafe platform and update daily. These following actions will boost a users score:

Security heroes amplify good cybersecurity practices. The clue’s in the name. Points are scored each time security advice is shared through the CybSafe platform. The more someone shares cyber-content, the greater the influence on others’ cybersecurity practices. It’s all about social learning and salience.

Security heroes not only help others adopt good cybersecurity practices, but they report progress to CISOs, IT, and other security departments. Identifying and reporting security strengths and weaknesses embeds healthy practices org-wide. Not to mention the development of more impactful platform features!

Likes (and dislikes) measure engagement. Every article engaged with = points.

The repetition of good security practices helps internalise cybersecurity policies, beliefs and values. This leads to better security behaviours through a greater sense of personal responsibility, embedding a security culture beyond compliance.

Like refresher tests, re-visiting and completing goals helps internalise security behaviours, further embedding a positive cybersecurity culture within the organisation. There are points available for every goal completed! What a bargain.

Log on to the platform*

Security heroes are interested and enthusiastic about cybersecurity. How do you measure that? Well, the more engaged your cyberheroes, the more often they’ll log on to the platform. The longer they spend on the platform, the more likely they are to partake in - and amplify - good cybersecurity behaviours.

Security surveys illustrate where your security exceeds, and what can be improved. After all, there’s no more trustworthy a source than your security heroes. That’s why every security survey question is worth points. So get answering!

Like security surveys, culture surveys are good indicators of the effectiveness of your security culture. Better understanding your security culture allows you to forge better policies and foster stronger security values.

* NB: No points are earned from this action, however naturally it's expected that people spending time on the platform will earn points!

Security heroes explainer video

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