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CybSafe gets a fresh new look
CybSafe gets a fresh new look

Updated user interface for managing GUIDE, PHISH, RESPOND, and reports.

Veronika Bondareva avatar
Written by Veronika Bondareva
Updated over a week ago

What’s changing

We’re updating the look and feel of all administrator and manager facing pages with a more modern and consistent look across all our products. You'll see the updated interface across web and mobile devices. The priorities for the update are clearer structure, simplicity, consistency, appealing aesthetics, and improved accessibility.

Note that this is strictly a change in visual appearance, there are no functionality impacts or changes to products' core capabilities.

What we're updating

  • Pop-ups Done ✅

  • Buttons Done ✅

  • Dropdowns Done ✅

  • Radio buttons Done ✅

  • Checkboxes Done ✅

  • Content switchers Done ✅

  • Tables Coming soon 🔜

    • Coming first to all GUIDE setup pages for you to manage your Learning campaigns, modules, advice questions and more via the new subtly enhanced table experience. Done ✅

    • We will then roll out the new tables for all PHISH setup pages to manage Phishing campaigns, email templates, and landing pages. Done ✅

    • Finally, we will update tables in Reports and RESPOND. (Available in August)

  • Filters Coming soon in August 🔜

  • Tabs Coming soon in August 🔜

  • Pop-up menus Coming soon in August 🔜

  • Toggles Coming soon in August 🔜

  • File uploader Coming soon in August 🔜

  • Date picker Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Time picker Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Tags Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Forms Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Tooltips Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Progress steps Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Information banners Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Sidebar menu Done ✅

  • Sliders Coming soon in Q3 🔜

  • Search Coming soon in Q3 🔜

Rollout pace

Extended rollout starting from April 2024. The user interface elements will be gradually rolled out from April to September 2024 as we work to subtly enhance the user experience across all CybSafe products.

We will be updating this page as the updated elements become available.

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