We've all been there - a page you're reading has a mistake, a translation is missing, or you notice something not quite right.
Well, you can now notify us directly on the page. This guide will show you exactly how.
Step 1: Click the 'report a problem' link
Scroll to the bottom of any page on the CybSafe platform. You will see the ‘Report a problem' link.
Once you click the link, this text box will appear:
Step 2: Select the problem you have experienced
Using the drop down menu, select an option from the following categories:
The audio is missing or won’t play
There is something wrong with this translation
The text doesn’t look right
The information is incorrect
I couldn’t find what I was looking for
Something else went wrong
Step 3: Explain what went wrong
In the ‘What happened?’ text box, describe the issue in detail. The more information you provide, the quicker and more effectively we can resolve it. be sure to let us know if you think something can be improved.
For example; if you spot a confusing term in a translation let us know the alternative wording.
Step 4: Submit
Thanks for making our platform better. 💫
Your comments and suggestions will be reviewed by our Product and Engineering teams.
Still have questions?
If you still have questions, you can contact the CybSafe team via [email protected]. We’re on hand to help resolve any further issues!