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Group management

Manage your groups for reporting and assignment within CybSafe

Ben Robinson avatar
Written by Ben Robinson
Updated over a week ago

Groups allow you to organise your people into relevant teams and departments. Once sorted into groups, you can assign content where relevant and access reporting for these Groups. Group management allows you to deliver bespoke experiences for different groups, from content to annotations and phishing.

To access Group management, navigate to CybSafe then select People > Group management from the left hand menu.

You will be taken to the Group management page.

Here you can see all of your groups on your account:

All your people are automatically in the top level group (i.e. your organisation as a whole). Here you’ll see the total number of people who have access to CybSafe as well as what content they’ve been assigned.

Assigning content to everyone

If you use learning campaigns please follow this article to assign content to your users.
Learning Campaigns

To assign content to everyone in your organisation, first click “View group”. 

From here, toggle the switches as required.

Note: content you assign to everyone will be available for everyone. That means you won’t be able to unassign the content from any sub groups you create.
If you want to assign content to a specific group only, be sure to leave “Not assigned to group” at the top level for now.

Creating new groups

To create a new group, click “Add a new group”:

Choose the parent group you want your new group to belong to, and give it a name (e.g. “London Team”). 

Your new group (in this case “London Team”) will appear underneath its parent group.

You can assign content to your new group by clicking the relevant “View group” link then toggling switches accordingly.

Content inherited from parent groups are fixed.

To add people to a group, switch to the “People” tab on the same page.
Select people using the checklist and click “Add to group”:

You can also change the name of a group, as well as change what "parent" group it belongs to by coming to "Settings" when viewing a group.

Note that changing the parent group, will move both the selected group and any child groups it has.

To delete a group, use the "Delete" button on the settings page.
Or head to the “Group Management” page, select the group you want to delete and click “Remove group’”
Keep in mind deleting parent groups also deletes its sub-groups:

Note: If you create a department using user provisioning, it will appear in Group management. There will be a parent group called "Departments" and any departments you create will be child groups underneath.
You must make changes to the groups that are automatically provisioned via your User Provisioning system within your domain.
This includes groups name changes, deletion and the people in each group.

Any changes made on the CybSafe platform will be undone when your account next syncs.

Still have questions?

If you still have questions, you can contact the CybSafe team via [email protected]. We’re on hand to help resolve any further issues!


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